"[T]he opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not ... would make the judiciary a despotic branch. ... [T]he germ of dissolution of our federal government is ... the federal Judiciary ... working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped. ... They are construing our constitution from a co-ordination of a general and special government to a general and supreme one alone." --Thomas Jefferson
Our American Constitution established the literal primary Sovereign Authority was “THE PEOPLE” as individuals among all other people. The second Sovereign Authority was of the State among all other states, lastly the federal authority of the Republic sovereign among all other nations of the world, where assuring the States of their territorial integrity and sovereignty and our individual sovereignty was to be its primary mandate.
This was the triad of sovereign authority and powers making up the governance of America . Laced up straightly within the Declaration Of Independence and the Constitution intended for perpetuity, thus no level of American government has sovereign right or authority to claim sovereignty and/or franchise of permission over the individual sovereignty of its sovereign citizens under our Constitution, except during extreme emergencies or hazard to the people as a whole or the Republic, and then only temporarily to its resolution.
The federal has no cultural sovereign authority over the states the states have no cultural sovereign authority over the people not specifically surrendered in the Constitution. From the time we as a society lost that understanding and intent we opened, “Pandora’s box” and an insurgency of human nature started a crusade of corruption on the country as a whole. (This before the ink was barely dry.)
By violating the boundaries of any of our sovereign authorities we destroy the literal text, meaning and intent of our Constitution not only to ourselves but the world, which for two hundred and twenty two years has stood in awe of us as a Nation and as a Sovereign people. The absolute and true American Dream defined, was and still is Individual Sovereignty.
No level of American government, not federal, state, city or town holds cultural sovereignty over the people. We are our own sovereigns individually under the Constitution. Americas ’ system of governance with its triad of sovereign authorities was intended to eliminate once and for all the despotic elements of human nature from it.
The method of despotism historically has been one man/woman rule. Modern men and women do not recognize or realize that despotism doesn’t have to emanate from the single source of a despot like a king, dictator or other such tyrants. Despotism can and does come from groups or committees through human nature and the consensus of their members. This is just as threatening to liberty and the individual sovereignty of citizens as any single despot or tyrant. This is why all collective systems become tyrannical and despotic via the consensus in time of their leaders.
We Americans have been so complacent during all these years of progressive (liberal) infringement on individual sovereignty and the liberties we all enjoyed that we almost suckered for the premise that any and all responsibilities we gave to government are exclusive to government.
They did this as example; if an individual was under attack they claimed exclusive rights of our defense, meaning we had no right to defend ourselves we had to wait and defer to their arrival, and especially no right to harm the assailant in anyway with out the threat of potential prosecution.
The founding fathers constitutionally assigned some limited responsibilities to government some exclusive some not but they never in their wildest dreams thought that if the government failed in its commissions that we the people had to just sit back and take the resultant effect, like illegal immigration. You can’t get any more progressively ignorant than that. Only an ignorant person teaches his/her kids that when attacked, just stand there and take it, or try to run, or report it later. We are American; and that kind of “bullshit” don’t wash, we are sovereign individually; when we are failed we will do it ourselves!! (Just ask old King George)
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