I do not like to refer to any of the American people as groups but in this case, because of the overwhelming support given to the democrat party and Obama in particular from the blacks of America , I must make this point.
You are selling yourselves into slavery as did your ancestors before you and it is being done the same way that slavery found a place in America by civil consensus in spite of the laws and historical knowledge not because of them.
This time around you cannot claim ignorance or blame the white man as before, and history will place the blame on you, because you are enabling it by placing your trust in a demagogic ideological racist just because of the color of his skin.
Each and every collective wither partial or the whole of a society makes its own members chattel to the whole of it and will collapse of its own weight on the shoulders of the individuals within over time, but with much human suffrage borne by each. Then the cycle of civil societies starts all over again placing the blame of history on to others instead of ourselves which is where it belongs.
Anytime one talks about ethnicity, gender or sexual matters or any of the mired of groupings that people or nature place them into, objectivity flees for all that may be a member of the subject at hand and the imagination magnifies and blinds the ability to discuss the subject in a reasoned and/or rational way.
This is due to human natures inability to escape its subjective bondage which in and of itself is defensive of the indefensible. Only a minority of each grouping are intellectually capable of escape from the bondage of the group. This leads all discussion to end up with revisions or distortions of evidence and history in order to maintain civility of the participants’. The loss of the truth is the by product of all such discussions among modern men/women.
This is also what we call the difference between having an opinion and being opinionated where one is intellectually open and the other is fixed or between open mindedness and closed mindedness. Way too many, Americans’ fall into the opinionated category and do not even have a basic understanding where or how they became opinionated on any given subject. Bottom line is they cannot tell the difference between shit and shine-ola.
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