Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Rules of Government

   Our American Declaration of Independence acts as a qualifier to our Constitution as much if not more so than its preamble. If added to that all the qualifying definitions and explanations in writing by the very men who created, adopted and were in the affirmative of both, only the highest degree of ignorance could generate doubt or lack of understanding regarding them and their intentions.
   Based on the consistent distortions applied by every following generation of Americans one can only conclude a steady and accelerating decline of the intelligence of our leaders to the point of today’s modern ignorance. But this same said ignorance is not justification for refusal too restoring it to its good and precise condition.
   A point to make is; not a single word in our original Declaration of Independence has ever been changed or removed from it, and no authority or justification ever existed to change or usurp any single word of the original Constitution especially by generations of ignorant men/women that were admonished many times over that they were not subject to being changed or usurped by amendment. The original words and intents were to remain in perpetuity for the same reasons that destroys all good and precise works of men, contamination which adulterates the whole.
The Congressional oath; I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. (emphasis’ added)
  Every congressman and senator that stood or stands against a proposal or bill that requires the showing of constitutional intent or approval has broken their oath of office. Every bill that comes before congress based on their oaths’ of office requires adherence to the Constitution, it does not require a bill to specifically order them to follow that which they have sworn to do anyway. What it does call for is their removal by congress itself and/or the people that elected them, and should they not be eligible to ever run for office again.
   The idea that congress can pass an unconstitutional bill without determining its constitutional authority ahead of passing it, and drop it to the Supreme Court for that determination after the fact, is itself unconstitutional and ignorant.
   The Constitution in most instances gives the congress the authority to set its own rules of procedure, but that does not mean they can make rules or procedures that are unconstitutional.

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