The easiest thing in the world is to convince others that you believe in something. It is also quite something else to get others to believe in it also. Now if you get others to believe in it, there is still one big issue unresolved. That is to validate with self-evident truth that ones belief is not just a matter of the imagination but of real life actuality.
The only way I know to do that, is by way of objectively arrived at undeniable evidence of fact absent all subjective feelings and emotion. Failing this, one is living in a fantasy wonderland.
Now I know, that the founding fathers of America did not pledge their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to create a fantasy yet that is what the present day crop of American politicians would have us all believe like children with a fairytale story to believe in.
Every American needs to ask ourselves if this was our destiny as seen by our founders or are we falling for a fairytale like children. I don't know about the rest of you but I'm ready to stand or fall based upon what I know to be the truth of Americas past and what I know is to be our future.
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