Community organizer my ass
“Community organizing” is an American tradition carried forward from our
very beginnings that has been bastardized over time by Communism. Today’s communities
throughout America
have very little to no Idea of the true American nature of “Community organizing”
verses what the likes of socialists/communists call it.
Our Constitution was designed with the idea and principals that government
was not to get involved with the various communities until the problems of any
given community were beyond the scope of what the community it’s self could do
in it’s own self interests and even then it had no right or power to impose it’s
self, but only then by request from the community and deemed to be equal and necessary
to the entire State of various communities.
Everything from public safety to sanitation fell under the responsibility
of local communities to provide for themselves the degree to which they
themselves felt necessary. That is where “Community organizing came into its
own. From organizing policing, jails, fire protection, sanitation, barn raisings,
posses, schools, churches, Water co-ops and many other such co-ops designed by,
for and of its own capacity. Each community contributed to the state where the
state would assist other communities in there individual efforts of development
mostly to provide community organizing but again not to impose standards beyond
the established communities minimums.
In America
community organizing is as natural a thing to do as eating and there are always
members in every community who will willingly take it on in the interest of the
community in which they themselves live.
All I have said here is American historical fact but the one thing
community organizing is not is collectively getting together to coerce
different levels of government to politically help the community or portions of
it with money or other aid from other Americans transferred into your community
that is socialism/communism. “community organizing’ is simply organizing the
community on how to help itself, not steal from others.
The bottom line is this; Obama was not and is not a community organizer
in an American sense he is a community organizer in a communist way of
development only. If your community cannot do it for it’s self it doesn’t need
it, it just wants a handout.