Wednesday, November 24, 2010

On Constitutional fidelity #1

   The founding fathers knew that when it came to representatives that no one man/woman could represent with equal justice beyond a certain number that they fixed at thirty thousand in article I of the Constitution. Today that number has been increased unconstitutionally to 600,000. The congress does not have the authority short of a constitutional amendment to change the number of constituents in congressional districts. And even if done by the amendment process it would constitute usurpation (change) not an amendment. The net effect is to weaken the influence on our governmental representatives of each citizen by 2000%.
   Considering the technical advances in transportation and communications changing (usurpation) of the number originally written into law, would and should be seen as justified, but not by that large of percentage increase.
   The fewer congressional seats makes for easier influence and control of our overall house of representatives by a cabal, like unelected members of political parties or other collectives like unions and ethnicity pimps.
   Gerrymandering of the shape of congressional districts to favor one group or another is not constitutional; they should be done by a grid to near equality of citizens (ethnicity or social status or condition not applicable) not populace which counts non-citizens also.
   Comprehensive laws are not in accordance w/ constitutional intent, where all laws and regulations was to be clear and unambiguous in its intent and able to be understood by ordinary men/women without the need of legal counsel to interpret them. (Or write them for that matter)
   All of the points made here, “are” or have been fundamental changes of American government, and no where does the Constitution give any authority to elected officials of government to make fundamental changes to our American form of government.  
   Also the States would be constitutionally wise if they limited population of large cities by creating city districts with separated political powers (Mayors, councils etc.) just like breaking up large corps to eliminate the to big to fail syndrome getting rid of the so called boroughs, like the five boroughs of New York city would then become five separate cities.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Constitution Defined

   Ask yourself this question; who better to define in detail an object or work than the creator or creators of it? Yet every generation of man thinks he is smarter and has arrived at a higher intellectual plane, and knows better than those who preceded them. When in self-evident truth those in the present can know thru documented history of events but cannot understand them, so we imagine, based on faulty and fragmented data to arrive at a resolve of cause and effect even to the degree we think we understand the thoughts of our predecessors. In plain language we know of events from the past but they do not add to our individual understanding in the present, so we make it up and quite extreme in many instances and the more distant in the past the more we mystify it, that’s how myths are born.
   The Constitution was designed as a limiting document on government, and the people that are within it. It was written in plain English and needs no interpretation. And to top it off, if by chance there is a question or doubt of any particular part, the founders, the very men that created it, gave us in their own individual writings specific detailed definition and explanation to every part and parcel of it without contradiction, more so than the disciples writings of Christ’s words and actions.
   This leaves all decisions regarding American law strictly held to the standards set forth as uniquely American and exclusionary of all other world bodies of authority. No treaty, agreement, or otherwise commitment by the officials of the United States holds the force of law within our sovereign boundaries outside the strictest adherence of our Constitution.
   There is no left or right of the Constitution, only left or right in the minds of politicians or individual groups, with no legal way to apply them without violating the basic laws laid down within it. This is why socialism or any and all form of collective groups within American society has no legal standing; they are all outside American law. This is if we intend to maintain fidelity to our founding as the most unique Nation to grace the face of this earth.